Sunday, December 4, 2016

This Gadget Turns Your iPad Into a Powerful 3D Scanner

3D Scanning Comes to the ipad:

    3D printing is an incredible technology, although it requires detailed information about the objects you want to print. For most people, this is a big limitation — it's not like every phone or tablet has a 3D imaging camera. Enter Occipital.

working principle:

The sensor can quickly scan an object or room and gather distance and geometry information to create an accurate 3D rendering. Occipital, the company behind the sensor, said its device can "understand" the data it collects, letting users instantly call up wall dimensions, for example. It even makes use of the iPad's built-in camera

The Structure Sensor is an oblong metal object that attaches to an iPad with a special bracket. It works with apps specifically designed to use the sensor to scan and capture 3D information about an object or environment. You can use the sensor for a wide range of tasks — from object capture to augmented-reality games.


 Although the sensor is designed for use with the iPad, Occipital makes it easy to plug it into another device.



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