"4D" is shorthand for
"four-dimensional"- the fourth dimension being time. 4D visualization
takes three-dimensional images and adds the element of time to the process.
In contrast to 3D imaging diagnostic processes, 4D allows
doctor to visualize internal anatomy moving in real-time. For example: Movement
patterns of fetuses allows conclusions to be drawn about their development;
increase of accuracy in ultrasound guided biopsies thanks to the visualization
of needle movements in real time in all 3 planes. So physicians and
sonographers can detect or rule out any number of issues, from vascular
anomalies and genetic syndromes
Concept Of 4D Visualization
In the field of scientific visualization, the term
"four dimensional visualization" usually refers to the process of
rendering a three dimensional field of scalar values. While this paradigm
applies to many different data sets, there are also uses for visualizing data
that correspond to actual four-dimensional structures. Four dimensional
structures have typically been visualized via wire frame methods, but this
process alone is usually insufficient for an intuitive understanding. The
visualization of four dimensional objects is possible through wire frame
methods with extended visualization cues, and through ray tracing methods. Both
the methods employ true four-space viewing parameters and geometry.
4D Viewing Vectors and Viewing Frustum
4D-HAMMER, involves the following two steps:
(1) Rigid alignment of 3D images of a given subject acquired
at different time points, in order to produce a 4D image. 3D-HAMMER is employed
to establish the correspondences between neighboring 3D images, and then align
one image (time t) to its previous-time image (t-1) by a rigid transformation
calculated from the established
(2) Hierarchical deformation of the 4D atlas to the 4D
subject images, via a hierarchical attribute-based matching method. Initially,
the deformation of the atlas is influenced primarily by voxels with distinctive
attribute vectors, thereby minimizing the chances of poor matches and also
reducing computational burden. As the deformation proceeds, voxels with less
distinctive attribute vectors gradually gain influence over the deformation
it uses the ray tracing algorithm